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Wenham Lake Corporation

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For Sale: Wexxar Model Delta 3

Wexxar Model Delta 3Allen-Bradley Controls, Nordson 3700 series Glue Applicator, Previously running a P84 tray 20 per minute.

For Sale: Sortex Model 90000 BLVV Truechromatic 48L

Sortex Model 90000 BLVV Truechromatic 48L 48 large seed channel with 3 chutes, bichromatic sorting, estimated capacity 6.0 to 7.5 tons/hour.

For Sale: Alkar Model 450UA Single Truck Electric Smokehouse

Alkar Model 450UA Single Truck Electric SmokehouseSteam cook/humidity system, Internal temperature chart recorder, Variable speed fan, 2-pen chart recorder/controller (wet bulb/dry bulb), Screen style stainless truck (8 station), Liquid smoke system.

For Sale: Tray Sealer with Gas Flush Capability

Tray Sealer with Gas Flush CapabilityDynoplast AS - Polimoon Norway, 900VG / (water cooled) SN D0014, Presently tooled to run 12.6 Long X 9.6" Wide trays up to 5.2" deep at 4-6*** trays per minute.

For Sale: FMC Allen Systems Stainless Steel Coating Drum

FMC Allen Systems Stainless Steel Coating DrumUSDA compliant internal surfaces Stainless Steel Drum 31" diameter x 72" long, 20" Infeed opening, 25" discharge opening, Stainless steel type 304 drum, EZ Lift flights, equally spaced, 2" tall x 45 degrees.

For Sale: Vemag Robot 500

Vemag Robot 500 Remanufactured by Reiser for “bakery” application, High torque drive and larger motor to accommodate dough, Oil Cooler.

For Sale: Hobart (Stephan) Cutter Mixer

Hobart (Stephan) Cutter MixerHobart (Stephan, VCM-40 (37.85 liter) 40 quarts, 10 HP 208-3-60, KP duty at local school doing cole slaw.

For Sale: Doboy Scotty II Horizontal Flow Wrapper

Doboy Scotty II Horizontal Flow WrapperSerial number 87-23606, 6” Jaws.

For Sale: Gates Wicket Wizard Automatic Bagger

Gates Wicket Wizard Automatic BaggerGates Automation, Inc., Wicket Wizard EZ2000, Vacuum and gas flush capable, Bag Width 3-15, Bag Length up to 21".

For Sale: Patterson-Kelley Stainless Zig-Zag Mixer

Patterson-Kelley Stainless Zig-Zag MixerModel C270060, Size 12 Css, Max. Density 65 lbs per CF, SS 316 interior, SS 304 exterior

For Sale: Spiral Freezer

Spiral FreezerAshworth stainless 30" x 700', Ashworth 3/4" Omni-grid 30" belt Mesh overlay B48-32-16, 4 - 1/4" true product clearance, Infeed (low) 44" from finished floor with discharge (high) at 108" from finished floor.

For Sale: Shrink Band Tunnel

Shrink Band TunnelManufacturer CMS Gilbreth Pkg. Systems, Serial number 22879-04.

For Sale: Nitrogen Freeze Tunnel

Nitrogen Freeze Tunnel28” X 20’ belt, Previously running 2500 Lbs of steaks per hour.

For Sale: Marden Edwards BX150FF/8 Wrapper/Multipacker

Marden Edwards BX150FF/8 Wrapper/MultipackerManual included. There is no extra charge for the dust.

For Sale: Arpac Bundler

Arpac BundlerArpac, 115C-28 inline bundler, 230/3/60 (Full load current is 60 amps).

For Sale: Tanney Closers

Tanney ClosersIncludes heavy duty welded frame, painted white, 2 speed infeed belt section for flag style automatic carton indexing into flight pockets, flight pockets to control cartons, overhead lugged conveyor to control hood style closure.

For Sale: Eagle Linear Scale

Eagle Linear ScaleEagle model LS35, Stainless Steel Washdown scale.

For Sale: Gaulin Lab Homogenizer

Gaulin Lab HomogenizerGaulin Model 15 M, laboratory homogenizer, 230 volt/3 phase Flat bottom and can be bench mounted or mounted on the floor or dolly.

For Sale: 3M model 700 RKS

3M model 700 RKS F.O.B. North Carolina

For Sale: Safeline X-Ray Inspection Machine

Safeline X-Ray Inspection MachineModel: T42V, Volts: 220, Freq.: 60Hz, Amps: 10, Power 2.2kW, Air psi: 80.

For Sale: Carrera model 2000PC 250

Carrera model 2000PC 250No product, no bag, Misplaced product using photocell before jaw, Power film unwind with bag length measuring through PC settings, Strain gauge film tensioning system to ensure accurate tracking, 6 ft. infeed conveyor with 20" clear loading space.

For Sale: Doboy Super Mustang SK

Doboy Super Mustang SKSN 82-16201, Schematic #193155, 230 volt 3 phase, 9.5" spacing between lugs, Digital Watlow heat controls, 8' infeed section.

For Sale - Autobag HS-100 Excel

AutoLabel Auditor PI-4000 programmable imprinter.
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