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CA Design

Specctra Autorouter Training

Specctra Autorouter Training

CA Design provides training on using Specctra Autorouter. We'll come to your facility for one day or an entire week to help you understand Specctra Autorouter. We can take you through the entire Specctra Autorouter process, teaching you the shortcuts and helpful hints as we go. We can show you, from a real user's point of view, how to set up your designs, your libraries, and your process. CA Design owner, Bob Chandler, will use your own work to illustrate the Specctra Autorouter process.

When you have finished Specctra Autorouter training, feel free to call Bob, or any of our other designers at CA Design and ask them any questions you have about Specctra Autorouter. Most of our designers can walk you through a trouble spot on the phone. If not, we can arrange a one-day visit to help you solve your problems.

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